[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (2024)

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FluteLevel 70Enchanted ExplorerJoined: 1/12/2013Threads: 340Posts: 12,946
Posted: 7/12/2014 at 10:33 PMPost #1because I'm really bored and I have nothing better to do with my tiny life QQ

How to Take on the Dungeon of Forsaken

1. What to Expect, How to Prepare
2. Regular Baddie Fighting

3. Puzzle One - The Locked Door
4. Sub-Boss One - Guardians and their Sylestis

5. Puzzle Two - Shields and Orbs
6. Sub-Boss Two - Arena

7. Sub-Boss Three - Dark Elf Trio

8. Final Boss - Vierna Da`Sheer and Shade of Vierna

9. Other Things That Don't Fit with the Other Posts

If you have any questions, feel free to ask here (ping me!) or PM me. c:

Edited By Flute on 7/13/2014 at 8:48 AM.
FluteLevel 70Enchanted ExplorerJoined: 1/12/2013Threads: 340Posts: 12,946
Posted: 7/12/2014 at 10:33 PMPost #21. What to Expect, How to Prepare

Dungeon of Forsaken is a

Level 50 dungeon.
You will see nothing but Level 50 enemies in it.
It is much longer than a run of Nightfall Bandit Headquarters.

"I DO suggest overleveling.... This is a hard dungeon, and if you're having trouble with the waves, you will likely not survive some of the boss fights either."

That being said, it's optimal to have a team at level 50+ to take on this dungeon.

You should also have a bunch of elixirs on hand. Effective ones that restore 800-1000+ points of health. Mainly for the bosses.
You can either do lvl45-50 missions to gather these elixirs, or buy them from Saerielle.

Your team should also be well-statted and durable. You will run into quite a few multi-enemy battles, and the 4-5 star enemies hit hard AND have high defenses/HP. Be prepared for long and tough battles.

In my

Illustrated Guide to Sylestia, I have a tutorial on how to handle wave battles! (I labeled it "An Illustrated Guide on How to Handle Army Battles!")
Here it is here if you don't want to wad through the pictures there:
part one
part two
part three
Edited By Flute on 7/13/2014 at 8:48 AM.
FluteLevel 70Enchanted ExplorerJoined: 1/12/2013Threads: 340Posts: 12,946
Posted: 7/12/2014 at 10:33 PMPost #32. Regular Baddie Fighting

-everything from zombies, vorkids, myconids, and random wild sylestis
-all level 50
-can be one-, two-, or three-stars in difficulty

risen soldier *, vorkid lurker **, myconid sprout *
decayed archer **, vorkid pouncer ***
myconid shroom *, undead knight ***
myconid reaver ***, wild sylesti (rare)***
myconid warrior **, vorkid drone *, myconid shroom *
myconid adept ***, wild sylestia (common)*
wild sylesti (uncommon)**, undead knight ***

lots of 3-stars

Wave Battle - 6 Enemies Total
Often starts with one 4-star baddie, two 3-star baddies, and then three 2-star baddies.
Defeat as you would a usual wave battle.

example of first wave
example of second wave

*Caution, there may be more than one wave battle that you encounter in the Dungeon.

Rough equipment of Uncommon/Rare quality
Level 50 Experience Orbs

Edited By Flute on 7/13/2014 at 8:57 AM.
FluteLevel 70Enchanted ExplorerJoined: 1/12/2013Threads: 340Posts: 12,946
Posted: 7/12/2014 at 10:34 PMPost #43. Puzzle One - The Locked Door

Rethelen: when it says you cannot figured out how to open the door, it's a pet with the highest intellect(17:48)
Rethelen: when it says the door is locked, you need a high dex pet(17:48)
Me: ...WHAT(17:48)
Me: I give up with this lol(17:48)
Rethelen: when it says you cannot reach the switch, its agility(17:48)
Rethelen: when it says the door wont budge, it's strength(17:48)

credit to Rethelen for figuring it out and sharing it with me c:

"And it seems that the pet needs at least 400 380 in the respective stat to open the door, or somewhere around there."

Ignore the door or choose a pet that cannot open the door if you want to skip the first sub-boss.

Edited By Flute on 1/7/2015 at 10:19 AM.
FluteLevel 70Enchanted ExplorerJoined: 1/12/2013Threads: 340Posts: 12,946
Posted: 7/12/2014 at 10:34 PMPost #54. Sub-Boss One - Guardians and their Sylestis

All 5-star center boss with 4-star Sylesti pets.

Possible Combos:

Morakei the Wicked, Wrath, and Pestilence
[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (12)[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (13)[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (14)

Ralios the Resilient, Juggernaut, and Defiance
[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (15)[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (16)[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (17)

Vaelana the Hunter, Ironfang, and Swyft
[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (18)[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (19)[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (20)

Go to Aryth's Spire and explore for potion buffs! Increased HP or attack power can really help in these battles!
Also, to make the battle easier, have your pets at 100% mana to use a Finishing Move once the battle starts. :)

Attack as normal, with everything you got.
I usually take out the guardian (human-like) person first, then pets one-by-one after. Pretty straightforward, no strategy needed.

Rough equipment of Uncommon/Rare/Epic quality
Level 50 Mythical Accessories
Mage's Outfit from Morakei the Wicked
Warrior's Outfit from Ralios the Resilient
Hunter's Outfit from Vaelana the Hunter

screenshot of drops 7/13/14

Edited By Flute on 9/20/2015 at 10:19 PM.
FluteLevel 70Enchanted ExplorerJoined: 1/12/2013Threads: 340Posts: 12,946
Posted: 7/12/2014 at 10:35 PMPost #65. Puzzle Two - Swords, Shields, and Orbs

[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (22)

Must solve scrambled puzzle to look like the above solution.

It's...hard to explain. (I tried to in this post, but it's hard for me to explain it otherwise)

But you have an infinite amount of time and turns to solve it! Go at it with your heart's content!

related threads:
Dungeon of the Forsaken Puzzle

Ignore the door if you want to skip the second sub-boss (arena).

and you might just thank me because arena isn't fun anyways
Edited By Flute on 7/15/2014 at 9:12 AM.
FluteLevel 70Enchanted ExplorerJoined: 1/12/2013Threads: 340Posts: 12,946
Posted: 7/12/2014 at 10:35 PMPost #76. Sub-Boss Two - Arena

[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (24)

Be afraid.
Be very afraid.

Totals 38 enemies.

feels like there's more

Comes in Myconid or Vorkid flavors.
(Final bosses are Myconid King and Vorkid Queen, respectively.)
[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (25)[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (26)

first starts with a few 1-stars
then a few 2-stars
then a bunch of 3-stars and 2-stars with the occasional 4-star (for a very long time)
up until the final boss, either Myconid King or Vorkid Queen

Myconid arena tends to take longer than Vorkid arena.
Probably because myconids are tankier.

Go to Aryth's Spire and explore for potion buffs! Increased HP or attack power can really help in these battles!
Also, to make the battle easier, have your pets at 100% mana to use a Finishing Move once the battle starts. :)

if you use my wave-fighting guide (in What to Expect, How to Prepare), your fight might be REALLY slow (upwards towards 100 turns), but you minimize the damage your party takes, which minimizes the chances of you dying!
screenshot to what you want if you use the wave fighting guide (taken 102 turns)

Because this takes so long, I suggest having youtube or something to watch on the other side of the screen. Or listen to music. Gets kinda boring after 50-75 turns.

Rough equipment of Uncommon/Rare/Epic quality
Level 50 Mythical Accessories
Myconid King's Staff and Myconid Outfit from Myconid King
Vorkid Webbing and Vorkid Wings from Vorkid Queen (though I think it drops from any vorkid?)

Edited By Flute on 9/20/2015 at 10:18 PM.
FluteLevel 70Enchanted ExplorerJoined: 1/12/2013Threads: 340Posts: 12,946
Posted: 7/12/2014 at 10:35 PMPost #87. Sub-Boss Three - Dark Elf Trio

Can be a combination of any 3 of the following:
[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (28)Dark Elf Sorcerer
[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (29)Dark Elf High Priestess
[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (30)Dark Elf Assassin
[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (31)Dark Elf Warlord

Kill the most dangerous of the trio, then work your way to defeat the other two in order of which is more dangerous.

"The different types of Dark Elves have different levels of dangerousness. Always take out Sorcerers first, as they deal tons of damage but go down fairly easy. High Priestesses are next, followed by Assassins and then Warlords."

Go to Aryth's Spire and explore for potion buffs! Increased HP or attack power can really help in these battles!

Protip: Always have 100% mana on all 3 pets and offload Finishing Blows on a single target the moment you get into battle.
I often kill the Sorcerer with 3 finishing blows at 100% each, if not leaving less than 50% health on any other dark elf, depending on how well built your party is.

Rough equipment of Uncommon/Rare/Epic quality
Level 50 Mythical Armors

Edited By Flute on 9/20/2015 at 10:20 PM.
FluteLevel 70Enchanted ExplorerJoined: 1/12/2013Threads: 340Posts: 12,946
Posted: 7/12/2014 at 10:36 PMPost #98. Final Boss - Vierna Da`Sheer and Shade of Vierna

[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (33)[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (34)
...and her shade

which is pretty creepy and mean but he's 'aight

[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (35)

Never touch her minions. Killing em makes HER stronger.

[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (36)
^what you want

Link: https://www.sylestia.com/forums/?thread=5984&page=1#2Author: DracoTime Posted: 9/16/2013 at 1:18 AMFor Vierna, the key is to not attack [defeat, rather] either of the two zombies accompanying her in the first part of the battle. Save your mana before the battle and Finishing Blow and any attacks on only her. Be careful of Fire proficiency pets since the multi-target damage can defeat the zombies on accident.

For the second part of the battle, she uses Mana Transfusion[?] every 4 or 5 turns [depending on how memory serves] to drain mana and replenish her health. It is important to figure out her attack pattern and use Finishing Blow at the right turn to prevent her from recovering Health. Continue wailing on her following the pattern [using Elixirs as necessary; be careful of using it before a Mana Transfusion turn] and she should go down eventually.

Hope this helps!

"But basically the key to this fight is not having any mana when she does her Mana Transfusion. Keep your mana as low as possible until the First one, then on turn 1 heal, turn 2 fight, turn 3 heal, turn 4 finishing move and usually on turn 5 she'll try to do the mana transfusion - and if you do it right she'll get nothing."

How I do it:

when you first get into the battle with the Shade, add 5 to the turn number you're on (to get the approximate turn when the Shade uses his Mana Transfusion move)

for example
say I meet Shade of Vierna on turn 6

6 + 5 = 11

now subtract 1

11 - 1 =


You want to build up as much Mana as you can (either by attacking or using elixirs), then use your finishing moves on all 3 of your pets on

turn 10.
Once you used it up, the Shade will soon use Mana Transfusion (not necessarily ON turn 11, but anywhere after 10).
It heals 40 health for every 1 point of mana it saps. So make sure you use up all your mana and keep your mana low so the Shade has nothing to sap and use to add back to its health.

This is an example of

what you want see.
[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (37)

Now then, go back to that math formula. Add 5 to the current turn the Shade used Mana Transfusion on. Let's say it used it on turn 10.

11 + 5 = 16

Now subtract 1

16 - 1 =


Build up and use up all your mana on

turn 15, and keep it low until Shade uses Mana Transfusion again.

Repeat until you kill Shade. c:

(...btw, yes, I know you just add 4 and make things easier, but makes sense to me)

Then you beat the dungeon! (don't forget to open the treasure chest on your way out)

Rough equipment of Uncommon/Rare/Epic quality
Level 50 Mythical Relics
Scepter of Corruption
Spellcaster's Robes

screenshot of drops from vierna/shade 7/13/14

Edited By Flute on 1/17/2015 at 1:47 PM.
FluteLevel 70Enchanted ExplorerJoined: 1/12/2013Threads: 340Posts: 12,946
Posted: 7/12/2014 at 10:36 PMPost #109. Other Things That Don't Fit with the Other Posts


[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (39)

Treasure Chest Drops
Rough equipment of Epic quality
Egglings, may hatch pets of 3GP+
100 Advancement Points!!!

Link: https://www.sylestia.com/forums/?thread=9016&page=1#10Author: KrinadonTime Posted: 12/12/2013 at 5:04 PMI just double checked. First two bosses drop Accessories. Third drops Armors. Final drops Relics.
^Confirmation that Sub-bosses 1 and 2 drop the lvl50 mythical accessories, Sub-boss 3 drops the lvl50 mythical armors, and Final boss drops the lvl50 mythical relics.

feel free to post, I'll be structuring and building this guide with successive runs and aid from other dungeon runners


Edited By Flute on 7/13/2014 at 11:32 AM.
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[SPOILERS] Dungeon of Forsaken Guide! (2024)
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