Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (2024)

The four principle woodwind instruments of the orchestra all work by means of a system of keys (usually silver-plated) which when variously depressed and released allow air to pass through differing lengths of the instrument resulting in notes of different pitch. In order of descending overall pitch, these are:

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (1)

A normally silver-plated (or in more extravagant cases, gold), narrow-bored instrument, held horizontally just under the mouth, and activated by blowing air across an aperture at one end of the instrument. Its higher-pitched cousin, the piccolo, is often encountered, although the lower alto flute rather less so. Early forebears include the unkeyed fife. The most popular close relation is the recorder family, largely unkeyed and end-blown in the vertical position.

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (2)

A narrow-bored wooden instrument descended from the medieval shawm, held vertically, and activated by means of placing the end-positioned double-reed in the mouth, and blowing under high-pressure so as to force air between the two bound reeds, causing them to vibrate. Other members of the oboe family include the lower pitched cor anglais (or English Horn), and (far more rarely) baritone oboe and heckelphone (bass oboe). The instrument’s most famous predecessor is the Baroque oboe d’amore, often used by Johann Sebastian Bach.

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (3)

Like the oboe usually wooden, played vertically and held in the mouth, but with a wider bore and consisting of a single reed which when activated vibrates against a detachable mouthpiece. The standard instrument can be pitched in B flat (usually) or A, and the family is unusually extensive including the higher-pitched E flat, the B flat bass, the rarely-used C, the alto (a modern relative of the basset horn), and the even more obscure double-bass or ‘pedal’ clarinet. Occasionally the clarinet’s ‘popular’ cousin can be seen in the concert hall, the saxophone.

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (4)

As the name would suggest, the bass member of the woodwind family, and by far the largest, especially its lower-pitched relation, the extremely bulky double or contra-bassoon. Like the oboe, it is a double-reed instrument, although to facilitate the playing action (the instrument is normally held across and in front of the body) it is connected to the bassoon via a silver-plated, curved crook. Its most notorious cousin is the Baroque serpent, shaped very much as its name would suggest.

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Brass instruments are also activated by blowing into them, although instead of using a form of reed over which the mouth is placed, the lips are placed against or inside the cup of a metal mouthpiece, and made to vibrate against its inner rim. In order of descending pitch, these are:

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (10)

one of the most ancient of all instruments. Played horizontally via a series of valves on the top of the instrument which are opened and closed in various combinations to create different pitches. Occasionally, the piccolo (higher) or bass (lower) trumpets are heard (and the trumpet’s ‘popular’ cousin, the cornet), although more common nowadays in ‘authentic’ Baroque orchestras (which use instruments of the correct period or copies thereof), is the ‘natural’ or valveless trumpet. The more notationally limited bugle is rarely heard away from its traditional military context.

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (11)

French horn
another ancient instrument, descended from the use of animals’ horns (hence the name) in pre-historic times. The modern instrument is the most outwardly complex, consisting of a basic tube, rounded into a compact shape culminating in a conical bore or bell, into which a series of valves are centrally set. Before the valve system had been developed, the changing of basic pitch was facilitated by the insertion of a variety of crooks which altered the length of the basic tube, and the changing of certain notes by holding the hand in a variety of subtly differentiated positions within the bell. In a popular context the term ‘horn’ invariably refers to the saxophone, and for the cor anglais see ‘oboe’ under the woodwind section above. Traditionally, the French horn section is seated away from the rest of the brass family.

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (12)

descended from the medieval sackbutt, it is the only popular orchestral wind instrument which operates without the use of a valve or key system. The trombone is easily recognisable by its extended elliptical shape culminating in a conical bore, and its distinctive use of a hand-operated slide held out in front, in order to change pitch. The slide can be moved to any one of seven main positions, each of which facilitate a different series of notes. The tenor and bass trombone are occasionally seen (especially the latter), although the alto and double-bass are extreme rarities.

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (13)

not unlike the French horn in basic construction, only more oval in shape and much bigger. The piston valve action is similar to the trumpet, only the valves themselves are situated in the middle of the instrument. A variety of types and sizes exist aside from the typical concert instrument in F (bass tuba), including the tenor tuba (higher), and double-bass tuba (lower), often referred to as a bombardon in a military or brass band context.

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A percussion instrument is probably best defined as one where a resonating surface is struck by the player, either by hand or by some form of stick. These divide roughly into tuned instruments which have a definite pitch or series of pitches, and those of indefinite pitch. Popular examples of both types are:

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (19)

timpani or kettle drum, xylophone, glockenspiel, tubular bells, vibraphone, marimba. Occasionally, the piano and celesta (see left) are included in scores as part of the percussion section.

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (20)

Indefinite pitch
triangle, gong, castanets, whip, rattle, anvil, tambourine, cymbals (struck and clashing), and a variety of drums (side, tenor, bass, tabor, bongo etc.).

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Conveniently collected together as any instrument which is operated by means of a standard keyboard, the differences in operation are wide-ranging and carry obvious associations with certain of the above categories. These break down into four main types:

mostly instruments emanating from the 17th/18th centuries where a series of stretched and tuned strings are plucked by a quill or plectrum (e.g. harpsichord, virginal, spinet).

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (26)

where the strings are actually hit, either by a tangent (e.g. 17th/18th century clavichord), or hammers (e.g. piano, celesta).

Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (27)

where the notes are activated by a column of mechanically propelled air within a series of tuned pipes (e.g. organ).

where a number of effects approximating to those derived from any of the above instruments, as well as totally original sounds, can be achieved (e.g. electronic organ, synthesizer).

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Musical Instruments | A guide on bowed strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, keyboard, and the guitar family (2024)


What is the string family woodwind family brass family percussion family? ›

The string family uses string vibration, the woodwind family uses reed and air vibration, the brass family uses lip vibration and the percussion family contains instruments that are struck or shaken to make vibration.

What are the 4 families of instruments? ›

Each instrument has unique characteristics, such as the different ways they produce a sound, the materials used to create them, and their overall appearance. These characteristics ultimately divide instruments into four families: woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings.

Which is the correct order of bowed string instruments? ›

The four principle orchestral string instruments are (in descending order of overall pitch) the violins (usually divided into two sections, playing individual parts), the violas, the cellos and the double basses.

What are the instruments that belong to string and woodwind families? ›

Instruments of the Orchestra
  • Strings. Learn about the string instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bass, and harp! ...
  • Woodwinds. Learn about the woodwind instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, and bassoon! ...
  • Brass. Learn about the brass instruments: trumpet, french horn, trombone, and tuba! ...
  • Percussion.

What family is piano in? ›

According to the Hornbostel-Sachs system, a system that classifies musical instruments, piano belongs to the percussive chordophone family.

What are the 5 main brass instrument families? ›

Trumpet - Horn - Trombone - Euphonium - Tuba

If you guessed the brass family got its name because the instruments are made of brass, you'd be exactly right! This family of instruments can play louder than any other and can also be heard from far away (hello neighbors).

What family is the keyboard in? ›

Keyboard Instruments are one of the most diverse musical instrument classifications. Divided into four main categories—chordophones, aerophones, idiophones, and electrophones, each of which overlaps with other instrument families.

What family is the guitar in? ›

Most plucked string instruments belong to the lute family (such as guitar, bass guitar, mandolin, banjo, balalaika, sitar, pipa, etc.), which generally consist of a resonating body, and a neck; the strings run along the neck and can be stopped at different pitches.

What are the 5 group of musical instruments? ›

There are five different categories of instruments: percussion, woodwind, string, brass, and keyboard. The categories are based on their sounds, characteristics, and how the sounds are produced. This method of classification is called the Hornbostel-Sachs or Sachs-Hornbostel system.

What are bowed instruments called? ›

Bowed instruments include the string section instruments of the orchestra in Western classical music (violin, viola, cello and double bass) and a number of other instruments (e.g., viols and gambas used in early music from the Baroque music era and fiddles used in many types of folk music).

What is the big guitar called? ›

What is a Guitarron? The Guitarrón is a large bass guitar. Guitarrón translates to large guitar – the suffix means big or large. It has 6 strings – 3 that are nylon wound with a nylon monofilament core or nylon fibers, and 3 that are steel, bronze or copper wound with a single steel string core.

What is a 6 string bowed instrument? ›

viol, bowed, stringed musical instrument used principally in chamber music of the 16th to the 18th century. The viol shares with the Renaissance lute the tuning of its six strings (two fourths, a major third, two fourths) and the gut frets on its neck.

What are 10 instrument families? ›

There are chordophones (generate sound with vibrating strings), membranophones (generate sound with vibrating membranes), idiophones (generate sound by vibrating the instrument body), aerophones (generate sound by vibrating air directly), electrophones (generate sound by modifying circuits or calculating sounds and ...

What are woodwind and brass instruments called? ›

In the Hornbostel-Sachs scheme of musical instrument classification, wind instruments are classed as aerophones.

Is a keyboard a percussion instrument? ›

On the other hand, keyboard instruments, such as the celesta, are not normally part of the percussion section, but keyboard percussion instruments such as the glockenspiel and xylophone (which do not have piano keyboards) are included.

What are the five main instruments in the string family? ›

Orchestras Typically Boast Five Different Types of String Instruments
  • Violins are the sopranos. There's no doubt that the soprano is "the star" of the orchestra. ...
  • Violas are the altos. ...
  • Cellos form the tenor section. ...
  • The Double Bass lives up to its name. ...
  • The Harp is a celestial addition.
Apr 20, 2018

What are the 4 classes of instruments? ›

The most commonly used system in use in the west today divides instruments into string instruments, woodwind instruments, brass instruments and percussion instruments, however other ones have been devised, and other cultures use varying methods.

What are the four types of orchestras? ›

Orchestra instruments are grouped into four main families: the string family, the woodwind family, the brass family, and the percussion family.

How many instruments are in the string family orchestra? ›

The strings are the largest family of instruments in the orchestra and they come in four sizes: the violin, which is the smallest, viola, cello, and the biggest, the double bass, sometimes called the contrabass.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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