Biome - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (2024)

In Kerbal Space Program a biome is a geographic area on the surface of a celestial body typically corresponding with types of geology like mountains or craters. This is in contrast to the real meaning of the term in which biomes are biotic communities in contiguous areas with similar climatic conditions and organism populations.

The results of science activities often differ when performed in different biomes, and thus provide more opportunities to earn Science Points in Career Mode to research further along the technology tree. In Sandbox, even the text descriptions from experiments are unavailable, rendering biomes unimportant except for determining ore yield. For details and tips on how to get as much Science as possible from exploring biomes (and where to find water in a Mountain biome, for example), see the Science Tutorial.

Areas belonging to a biome may be geographically separate, but they're not considered different areas. For example, after performing an EVA Report at Kerbin's north polar IceCap biome, performing one from the southern IceCap gives the same results (and Science Points) as if it had been performed a second time in the northern IceCap.

With version 0.90 biomes were added to all celestial bodies which have a solid surface, which excepts Jool and the Sun. Before that only the Kerbin system - Kerbin, Mun and Minmus - had biomes. Jool's moon Laythe and the planet Eve have bodies of water and science activities performed in them stated as being from "Laythe's oceans" and "Eve's oceans". However, this was just the effect of the situation "SrfSplashed" for a splashdown versus the usual "SrfLanded" surface landing.

With versions 1.2 and 1.2.1, biome maps were slightly overhauled and new biomes were added setting the total count of biomes to 145.


  • 1 Kerbol
    • 1.1 Moho
    • 1.2 Eve
      • 1.2.1 Gilly
    • 1.3 Kerbin
      • 1.3.1 Mun
      • 1.3.2 Minmus
    • 1.4 Duna
      • 1.4.1 Ike
    • 1.5 Dres
    • 1.6 Jool
      • 1.6.1 Laythe
      • 1.6.2 Vall
      • 1.6.3 Tylo
      • 1.6.4 Bop
      • 1.6.5 Pol
    • 1.7 Eeloo
  • 2 References
  • 3 See Also


The star Kerbol (officially called “The Sun”) has no biomes. Any attempt to land on its surface will result in the craft overheating, and ultimately exploding.


Moho has 12 biomes. It is one of three bodies (the other being Kerbin and Ike) that have their own North and South Pole biomes. It is dotted with Minor Craters and features four distinct Lowland Biomes.

Moho In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • North Pole
  • Northern Sinkhole Ridge
  • Northern Sinkhole
  • Highlands
  • Midlands
  • Minor Craters
  • Central Lowlands
  • Western Lowlands
  • South Western Lowlands
  • South Eastern Lowlands
  • Canyon
  • South Pole


Eve has 14 accesible biomes with their own science to be collected, as well as one inaccesible biome. Its main features are a large Explodium Sea with some scattered Islands and Shallow areas as well as a Main Continent and Poles. Within the Continent lie three large bodies of liquid, one being a Crater Lake. There are also areas covered with Impact Ejecta.

Eve In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Poles
  • Lowlands
  • Midlands
  • Highlands
  • Foothills
  • Peaks
  • Impact Ejecta
  • Craters (Inaccesible)
  • Explodium Sea
  • Akatsuki Lake
  • Shallows
  • Crater Lake
  • Western Sea
  • Olympus
  • Eastern Sea


With only 3 biomes, the moon of Eve, called Gilly, has the fewest number of biomes.

Gilly In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Lowlands
  • Midlands
  • Highlands


The planet Kerbin has 11 biomes, plus a large number of surface-only “location biomes” comprising Kerbal Space Center and related launch sites. Roughly 60% Kerbin's surface is Water biome. Grasslands and Highlands biomes cover most of the land area. Along with Moho and Ike it has distinct polar biomes. Due to a bug, the land within 470m from the north pole is part of the "Southern Ice Shelf" biome.

Kerbin is the only celestial body with location biomes: the grounds of KSC and the many structures it is composed of. Each count as a biome only with experiments performed on the surface. KSC is within a Shores biome, so experiments while flying at any altitude over the KSC count as Shores. However, it is possible to get an "EVA Report while flying over" the area, either while jumping, grabbing a ladder on a craft, or sitting on a EAS-1 External Command Seat.

Kerbal Space Center location biomes

Kerbin In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Ice Caps
  • Northern Ice Shelf
  • Southern Ice Shelf
  • Tundra
  • Highlands
  • Mountains
  • Grasslands
  • Deserts
  • Badlands
  • Shores
  • Water

KSC mini biomes

  • Baikerbanur
    • Baikerbanur LaunchPad
  • Island Airfield
  • Woomerang Launch Site
  • KSC
    • Administration
    • Astronaut Complex[Note 1]
    • Crawlerway
    • Flag Pole
    • LaunchPad
    • Mission Control
      • R&D Central Building
      • R&D Corner Lab
      • R&D Main Building
      • R&D Observatory
      • R&D Side Lab
      • R&D Small Lab
      • R&D Tanks
      • R&D Wind Tunnel
    • Runway
    • SPH
      • SPH Main Building
      • SPH Round Tank
      • SPH Tanks
      • SPH Water Tower
    • Tracking Station
      • Tracking Station Dish East
      • Tracking Station Dish North
      • Tracking Station Dish South
      • Tracking Station Hub
    • VAB
      • VAB Main Building
      • VAB Pod Memorial
      • VAB Round Tank
      • VAB South Complex[Note 2]
      • VAB Tanks

Notes: While the per-area biomes are available from the start of a new career game, the per-structure biomes will not be found until each facility is upgraded once or twice. To access each per-structure biome, your craft needs to be touching each new building.

  1. In career mode, the Astronaut Complex location biome is available with a first-level building if in contact with the structure, or anywhere on its hex after the first upgrade.
  2. The South Complex location biome is only accessible with a second-level VAB, making the science available there missable content.


The biggest moon of Kerbin, called the Mun, has a total of 17 biomes, 7 of which are uniquely named major craters. The Mun has the largest amount of biomes in the Kerbol System. Most of the surface area belongs to the Midlands biome followed by the Highlands. Canyon biomes extend off a few major craters.

Mun In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Poles
  • Polar Lowlands
  • Highlands
  • Midlands
  • Lowlands
  • Midland Craters
  • Highland Craters
  • Canyons
  • East Farside Crater
  • Farside Crater
  • Polar Crater
  • Southwest Crater
  • Northwest Crater
  • East Crater
  • Twin Craters
  • Farside Basin
  • Northeast Basin


The moon of Kerbin, called Minmus, has a total of 9 biomes. The most distinctive quality of Minmus's biomes is the variety of Flats, which in-game text describe as “lake beds”. They are almost perfectly flat and may represent salt flats. Roughly two-thirds of the surface area is irregular terrain transitioning between Highlands, Midlands, and Lowlands with Slopes in-between.

Minmus In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Poles
  • Lowlands
  • Midlands
  • Highlands
  • Slopes
  • Flats
  • Lesser Flats
  • Great Flats
  • Greater Flats


The planet Duna has 14 Biomes. Within the generic mix of Low-, Mid- and Highlands lie various Basins and Canyons with some scattered craters. The most dominant feature is the Midland Sea, which spans half the Planet. The Poles also include separate Highlands and Craters.

Duna In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Poles
  • Polar Highlands
  • Polar Craters
  • Highlands
  • Midlands
  • Lowlands
  • Craters
  • Midland Sea
  • Northeast Basin
  • Southern Basin
  • Northern Shelf
  • Midland Canyon
  • Eastern Canyon
  • Western Canyon


The moon of Duna, called Ike, has 8 biomes. It is one of three bodies (the other being Moho and Kerbin) that has their own North and South Pole biome. There are four uniquely named highland regions.

Ike In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Polar Lowlands
  • Midlands
  • Lowlands
  • Eastern Mountain Ridge
  • Western Mountain Ridge
  • Central Mountain Range
  • South Eastern Mountain Range
  • South Pole


The planet Dres has 8 biomes. There are four biomes based on altitude instead of the usual 3.

Dres In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Poles
  • Highlands
  • Midlands
  • Ridges
  • Lowlands
  • Impact Craters
  • Impact Ejecta
  • Canyons


The planet Jool has no biomes, since it is a gas giant and therefore landing on its surface is not possible.


The first moon of Jool, called Laythe, has 10 biomes.Laythe consists primarily of a huge ocean, called The Sagen Sea, with another ocean called the Degrasse Sea, two smaller named seas, some small Peaks, Dunes, and Shores biomes. It also has a Poles biome.

Laythe In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Poles
  • Shores
  • Dunes
  • Crescent Bay
  • The Sagen Sea
  • Crater Island
  • Shallows
  • Crater Bay
  • Degrasse Sea
  • Peaks


The second moon of Jool, called Vall, has 9 biomes. It has mostly large Lowlands broken up by ridges. There are four biomes based on altitude. There are four distinct Basins (lowlands).

Vall In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Poles
  • Highlands
  • Midlands
  • Lowlands
  • Mountains
  • Northeast Basin
  • Northwest Basin
  • Southern Basin
  • Southern Valleys


The third moon of Jool, called Tylo, has 9 biomes. There are four general biomes based on alititude. There are four named Craters, three of were originally named Major Crater.

Tylo In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Highlands
  • Midlands
  • Lowlands
  • Mara
  • Minor Craters
  • Gagarin Crater
  • Grissom Crater
  • Galileio Crater
  • Tycho Crater


The fourth moon of Jool, called Bop, has 5 biomes, four based on altitude. The Ridges biome is located inside of the Slopes biome.

Bop In-game biome map as of 1.2

Bop biome map as of 1.2.1

  • Poles
  • Slopes
  • Peaks
  • Valley
  • Ridges


The fifth moon of Jool, called Pol, has 4 biomes. Highlands are erroneously placed near the lowlands as well.

Pol In-game biome map as of 1.2

Pol biome map as of 1.2.1

  • Poles
  • Lowlands
  • Midlands
  • Highlands


The planet Eeloo has a total of 11 biomes. Three are based on altitude while several are based on geological features.

Eeloo In-game biome map as of 1.2

  • Poles
  • Northern Glaciers
  • Midlands
  • Lowlands
  • Ice Canyons
  • Highlands
  • Craters
  • Fragipan
  • Babbage Patch
  • Southern Glaciers
  • Mu Glacier


  • Answer in “List of places and biomes in KSP (planetary geology & geography) - UPDATING FOR v0.90” by Olympic1

See Also

Biome - Kerbal Space Program Wiki (2024)


What does Elon Musk think about Kerbal Space Program? ›

"Kerbal is awesome!" - Elon Musk... - Kerbal Space Program | Facebook.

Does NASA play KSP? ›

Scientific community. The game has crossed over into the scientific community with scientists and members of the space industry displaying an interest in the game, including NASA, ESA, ULA's Tory Bruno, Rocket Lab's Peter Beck, and SpaceX's Elon Musk.

How many biomes are in the Kerbal Space Program? ›

Actually, Kerbal Space Center alone is made up of 33 different biomes; the rest of the planet is not as finely detailed, but Mountains, Deserts, Icecaps and so on are easy to make out from above. Badlands also exist, but are much harder to find (since they are mostly on the other side of the planet).

Is it worth transmitting data KSP? ›

Science must either be recovered or transmitted in order to be used on Kerbin to unlock additional technologies. While transmission is generally not for 100% value, experiments may be repeated and retransmitted, often gaining more science value than the transmit window shows.

What are the hardest planets to land on in KSP? ›

You should not attempt this mission if you haven't done a mission returning from Gilly, Laythe, Tylo, Vall, Eeloo, or Eve, as Moho is the hardest planet to return from, except maybe Eve, Eeloo, Laythe, or a Jool Landing.

Do satellites do anything in KSP? ›

As for science this is right. But when you get further away from Kerbine you need communication satellites to be able to control probes when there is no Kerbal on board. This also is needed if you are on the dark side of a planet, when the planet blocks the direct communication with your space center.

Who is the female Kerbal Space Program? ›

You can help KSP Wiki by expanding it. Valentina Kerman is the first official female kerbal and the first new kerbal on the initial roster after the original three. She is a pilot and has the "badass" flag.

How big is Kerbin compared to Earth? ›

Real-world comparison

Kerbin has approximately one-tenth the radius of Earth and 1/113th the mass.

What planets are in KSP in real life? ›

Relation to the Solar System
Kerbol systemSolar system
4 more rows
Jul 22, 2023

Can you land on an asteroid in KSP? ›

They do not have SOIs of their own or produce gravity to affect nearby objects; they may not be landed on by craft, stood on by kerbals on EVA, or have flags planted on them, but may be docked with through the use of the Advanced Grabbing Unit.

What is the lifespan of a Kerbal in KSP? ›

In the game, the average life expectancy for kerbals is 300 years (aging is four times slower than in real life, even though time progresses the same).

What is the lore of Kerbin? ›

Kerbin, otherwise known as the world, is the third planet from Kerbol and the only object in the Universe known to kerbals to harbor intelligent life so far. It is the densest planet in the Kerbol system and the second largest of the four terrestrial planets Kerbin is well-known among the Kerbals as being home.

Can you pirate KSP? ›

I've had a bunch of my friends pirate the full version, pretty much everyone bought it within a couple days that liked it. Yeah, I decided to skip the demo and pirate it to check the game out.

What happens if you run out of money in KSP? ›

you can use bail out grant in administration building, it takes reputation and give you money. Also you can sell science. Seriously though, you can take another contract. There is always money in advance for each.

Are space stations useful in KSP? ›

Uses. Space stations are often used as refueling depots. For example, if a station is placed in Mun orbit, a lander can dock to the station and take some fuel or monopropellant to refill its own tanks for landing and return.

Is Elon Musk involved in space force? ›

Elon Musk's SpaceX has received its first contract from the US Space Force to provide customized satellite communications for the military under the company's new Starshield program, extending the provocative billionaire's role as a defense contractor.

Is Elon Musk interested in space? ›

Elon Musk isn't the first visionary to set down a road map to the red planet. But will he be the first to succeed? After months of anticipation, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has at last revealed his plan for making humans a multiplanetary species by sending crews to Mars and beyond.

What did Elon Musk put in space? ›

CEO Elon Musk launched his cherry red Tesla Roadster into space. The stunt was for SpaceX's first test launch of its Falcon Heavy rocket on Feb.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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